Charting the Future: Discussing AI, Culture, and Leadership in Customer Service with Jeremy Watkin

Episode released on: January 15th, 2023
Episode number: 161

Charting the Future: Discussing AI, Culture, and Leadership in Customer Service with Jeremy Watkin THE CX GOALKEEPER – Transformation, Customer Experience, and Leadership Goals

Charting the Future: Discussing AI, Culture, and Leadership in Customer Service with Jeremy Watkin


In the latest episode of the CX Goalkeeper Podcast, host Gregorio Uglioni welcomes Jeremy Watkin, a seasoned expert in customer experience and support. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for professionals in customer experience, digital transformation, and leadership.

About the Guest – Jeremy Watkin:

Jeremy Watkin, a customer support and experience leader at Number Barn, brings years of experience and a unique perspective to the table. His expertise spans across various facets of customer service and technology integration.

Contact details:



  1. Transformation in Customer Support: Jeremy discusses the evolution of customer support, stressing the need for integrating various channels to create a seamless customer experience. He emphasizes that in today’s digital era, adaptability and responsiveness are key.
  2. Balancing Efficiency and Quality: The conversation shifts to how organizations can find the sweet spot between operational efficiency and maintaining high-quality customer service. Jeremy provides insights into leveraging technology while keeping human-centric service a priority.
  3. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: A significant part of the discussion focuses on the role of leadership in customer experience. Jeremy talks about the importance of emotional intelligence in creating positive service cultures and driving continuous improvement.

Best Quotes:

“Fear of becoming irrelevant is just that β€” a fear.”

Jeremy Watkin

“Sharing expertise and kindness is essential in building a genuine professional network.”

Jeremy Watkin

“We’re not in it to make money from each other, but to learn how to do our jobs better.”

Jeremy Watkin

Top 3 Key Takeaways:

  1. The importance of integrating technology in customer support while maintaining a human touch.
  2. Finding a balance in customer service between efficiency and quality is crucial for long-term success.
  3. Emotional intelligence and leadership are pivotal in shaping a positive customer experience culture.

Episode Chapters:

00:00 Introduction
00:54 Jeremy Watkin Introduces Himself
07:02 Discussing Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
09:54 Vision for Seamless Customer Experience
12:52 Root Cause Analysis in Service Disruption
16:25 Improving Agent Experience with Technology
23:30 Key Leadership Lessons
25:36 Future Discussions on CX
28:30 How to Connect with Jeremy Watkin
29:40 Jeremy’s Golden Nugget of Wisdom

The Golden Nugget:

Jeremy’s golden nugget of wisdom highlights the value of sharing knowledge and resources within the professional community, overcoming the fear of becoming irrelevant, and the power of genuine networking.

#cxgoalkeeper #businesstransformation #leadership #customerexperience #podcast


Jeremy Watkin, CX Goalkeeper Podcast, customer experience insights, digital transformation, leadership in customer service, Number Barn, customer support evolution, integrating technology in customer service, operational efficiency, quality customer service, emotional intelligence, customer experience culture, professional networking, customer service trends, industry expert interview, CX leadership, business podcast, customer service innovation, modern customer support strategies, CX insights

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Published by CX Goalkeeper

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