Unifying and Boosting CX in B2B Enterprises with Zarina Pasalic – E155

Episode released on: December 4th, 2023

Unifying and Boosting CX in B2B Enterprises with Zarina Pasalic THE CX GOALKEEPER – Transformation, Customer Experience, and Leadership Goals


Welcome to another insightful episode of the CX Goalkeeper Podcast, where we dive into the realms of customer experience, transformation, and leadership. In this episode, we had the privilege of hosting Zarina Pasalic, a distinguished figure in the field of digital customer experience in B2B.

About the Guest: Zarina Pasalic

Zarina Pasalic, currently the Director of Digital Experience at Cisco, brings over two decades of expertise in digital transformation, marketing, and customer success in the IT and telecommunications industry. Her role at Cisco focuses on simplifying customer interactions and enhancing digital experiences.

“I value people most… You want results, but you also have to think about who is driving those results. And it’s your team. So, you have to start with your people.”

Zarina Pasalic

Contact Zarina:

For those interested in connecting with Zarina, she is available on LinkedIn, where she actively engages in discussions about digital CX and business transformation.


Deep Dive into Content

The discussion with Zarina was a treasure trove of insights, focusing primarily on digital CX in B2B. Zarina emphasized the distinction between customer experience (CX) and digital customer experience (DCX), highlighting the latter as an amalgamation of business, tech, psychology, and art to deliver a connected, data-driven, and hyper-personalized customer journey.

“Customer experience is the new branding. That’s really key.”

Zarina Pasalic

One of the pivotal moments in the conversation was when Zarina stated, “Digital experience will be the next decade’s number one determinant of market share.” This underscores the critical importance of digital CX in today’s business landscape.

“Committing and understanding your customer and partner, depending on who you are serving to the very best of your ability through research…the research has to be always on. You got to be guided by the voice of the customer.”

Zarina Pasalic

Top 3 Key Takeaways

  1. Blurring Lines between B2B and B2C: Zarina discussed how the differences between B2B and B2C are diminishing, stressing the need for B2B companies to offer B2C-like digital experiences to remain competitive.
  2. Challenges in Digital Transformation: She identified the primary challenges in B2B digital transformation, including changing customer expectations, budget constraints, and the shortage of digital skills.
  3. Core Principles of Digital CX: Zarina outlined the core principles guiding digital CX, including removing customer friction points, building for scale, and ensuring end-to-end unity.

Golden Nugget

Zarina shared a powerful message, a golden nugget of wisdom: “Be the kind of leader that you would want to work for.” This encapsulates her people-first approach and her belief in the power of empathetic and visionary leadership.


This episode with Zarina Pasalic offers invaluable insights for anyone involved in customer experience, digital transformation, or leadership in the B2B sector. Her perspectives provide a roadmap for businesses looking to excel in the digital era. We encourage you to listen to the full episode for a deeper understanding and more detailed discussion.


Zarina Pasalic, digital CX, customer experience, B2B digital transformation, leadership in CX, digital customer journey, B2B branding, CX strategy, business leadership, customer insights, team-driven success, customer-centric research, continuous improvement, B2B customer engagement, podcast on CX, CX Goalkeeper, CX innovation, people-centric leadership, CX in IT, telecommunication CX

#cxgoalkeeper #businesstransformation #leadership #customerexperience #podcast

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Published by CX Goalkeeper

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